
This post is not about physical or emotional abuse. Of course, no one should remain in an abusive situation. And it is not wrong to pursue legal remedies (except, the Bible does have something to say about Christians suing Christians). The spirit of this post is to look to the Lord for your defense and defer to him.

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This is a difficult truth, Rick, and I appreciate how you have handled it. It is important, as you point out above, to differentiate abusive situations, but our first inclination ought to be as Matthew 7:5 exhorts us, to get the log out of our own eye first. This isn't victim blaming ("what did I do to deserve this?"), but more of "what are you teaching me, here Lord? What sin is still in need of modification? What am I not seeing clearly?". It sets our hearts correctly in humility even in the face of false accusations.

Again, Jesus is (in everything!) our perfect example. He remained silent before His accusers. And it wasn't just an outward show. He didn't work quietly behind the scenes to undermine His accusers. Sadly, I've seen that in the church as well - outwardly appearing meek but secretly getting revenge.

Humility I think is the hardest of the virtues because just when you think you have it, you've lost it!

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And I meant "mortification" but apparently my phone thinks I couldn't possibly want that word! 🤷‍♂️

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In theory, I agree. But, I was falsely accused by my manager and if I didn't stand up and defend myself, I would've lost my job. Abd and since it's my only for of incomeI would have lost my house. The Bible also says, "God helps those who help themselves." So this can be taken either way. I learned a long time ago dealing with bullies that the only way to make them stop is to stand up for yourself.

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The Bible actually does not say “God helps those who help themselves.” That concept is nowhere in the Bible. It actually teaches thee opposite - God helps those who cannot help themselves, which is all of us. I agree that anyone should get out from under abuse and leave abusive relationships. I am expounding on the Biblicql concept of turning the other cheek. That is a clear biblical teaching. But it does not mean remaining in an abusive situation.

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"The Bible also says, 'God helps those who help themselves.'"

This is actually not true at all.

But I do agree that if we can lawfully defend our position (such as Paul appealing to his Roman citizenship) then we have freedom to do so.

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